Monday, September 1, 2014

Starting my journey

I've finally taken the plunge and I have an appointment next Tuesday to start my journey to having a beautiful smile. I am so excited, I can't stop thinking about it. I thought I would start this blog so I have somewhere to talk about it all, and also a way to record my journey. Getting braces will be one of the biggest things I ever do in my life, and I know it will be life changing for me.

A little bit about me. My name is Taylor and I have just turned 23 years old. I have needed braces since I was about 9 years old, maybe earlier. I grew up in a single parent family, and it was something that my Mum could never have afforded for me. We used to go to a free public dentist, and I remember the dentist telling us when I was 9 that I needed braces and that I could be put on a waiting list for free orthodontic treatment. The waiting list was about 4 years long. I still don't know why Mum never went through with it. Growing up I was teased a few times about my teeth, especially by my little brother who used to call me bucky beaver. A girl I was 'friends' with in Year 7 told me I had goofy teeth. And I remember a little girl once asking me why my teeth were funny looking. I still cringe when I think about all of these things, even though they happened so long ago.

I think about my teeth everyday. I never smile with my mouth open. I cover my mouth when I laugh. I try to not open my mouth much when I talk. I'm even self conscious when I am eating a sandwich or apple in front of someone incase they see the teeth marks. I am so very envious of people with straight teeth. My teeth are the only thing I would change about myself. It's so important to me to be able to smile and laugh without worrying about people seeing my teeth.

Today, I finally received the money that will allow me to kickstart my dream. My Nan got an inheritance from her mother and she has given all of her children and grandchildren a few thousand dollars. She gave me $2000. Of course it won't pay for my whole treatment. I am estimating that my braces will cost between $5000-$8000. But it's enough to get me started, then I can pay the rest off weekly over a few years.

I am getting my braces through ABC orthodontics. When I called today to book an appointment, the receptionist, Tara, was so lovely. I think that is a good sign. She told me that I would have to pay $180 on Tuesday which covers my x-rays etc. So I am guessing they will all happen on that day. I hope so because I just want to start already. She sent me out an information package today, which includes a form that I have to fill out and bring in to my appointment. She said it's a bit of a questionnaire so Dr Kosy knows what parts of my smile I am unhappy with (everything haha) and what I hope my smile to look like at the end of my treatment. I think it's nice that they care about what I don't like and what I hope for.

Right now, I am mainly anxious about the cost and the fact that I don't know exactly what it will be. I am so worried that I will receive the quote and it will be a lot more than I think it will be. I am hoping that it will be no more than $7000. That way I can use my $2000 from Nan as the deposit and pay $50 a week for 2 years until it is paid off. It would be awesome if it was less than that though! I will just have to wait and see.

I am also worried that I will have to have teeth extracted first, which will mean I can't get the braces on sooner. I just have to be patient. I do have a pretty bad cavity that will need to be fixed first I am thinking.

I also have a gap where my bottom right molar had to be removed due to severe decay. I don't know how this will affect the whole process. I'm sure it will be okay.

To be honest, I'm not really too worried about the look of them or the discomfort at the moment. It's the cost that has me stressing quite badly.

I just want them on so badly and to know that I have truly started the process to having a beautiful smile. Anyway, at least I have made a massive step - letting go of my fear and actually making the appointment!

I'm going to post the before pictures of my teeth now. It's kind of nerve wracking because I never show my teeth to anyone, not even family. Here goes

I don't think they look too bad from the front when I am looking straight forward. My front two teeth are massive though! I'm hoping they look smaller when they are all straightened up :)

This is the view that I dread everyone seeing - the side view. My top teeth stick out so bad. I think it makes me look like an ape!
Absolutely horrible view. It makes me squirm seeing this. You can also see my cavity.
My profile - I hate it. My top lip sticks out and my chin is too far back.
My bottom teeth. I don't think they are too bad, they slant in a little though. You can see the big gap from where I had my tooth removed. My wisdom teeth are also coming in, at the top as well, although thankfully they are all coming in pretty straight!